My slightly younger cousin "Pacho" is my Threshold Guardian. I grew up with him and he is almost like a brother to me. We have grown apart through the years because I disapprove of his actions but I still love him dearly. My cousin first lived with his mother since his parents are divorced. My cousin likes "freedom" and doing whatever he wants but my aunt was being a parent and preventing him from being disrespectful and ignorant. Since his father is the type to let his children live their own life, "Pacho" decided to move in with his father. Lately he hasn't been the nicest to my aunt. She has cancer and he puts more stress on her than she needs. I hope I am never as mean as he can be at times so I try to learn from his mistakes. His mistakes push me to always respect my parents because they truly know whats right. I hope he will realize how ignorant he can be. Through his mistakes, I still do admire him. His parent's divorce has greatly affected him and he still tries his hardest to keep his head up. He also inspires me to not let things get the best of me.
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