My mother and father will always be there to hold my hand. When I was a small child, they would hold my hand so I wouldn't loose my path. I will never be too old for them to still hold my hand through my problems. I always come to them when I need help with anything. They show me ways on how to live life right and they help me not make mistakes. They help me fulfill my quest in search for knowledge. They inspire me to always do my best and to always treat myself and others with respect. When I am with them I know God is real because it is unbelievable how perfect my parents are for me. They are exactly what I need and they are a need that will never leave me.

I don't think much of myself but I do think I am a good person. My parents raised me to be this good person. I remember as a young child hearing them tell me that life will not always be easy. In the 4th grade, I had a lot of problems with my friends. I felt like the worst person although it wasn't my fault. They reminded me that friends will come and go and I just have to follow my heart. Their advice helped me undergo through future obstacles and now I am a stronger person. I wouldn't want to be any different than them when I grow up.
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